Cholesterol in perspective
Since cholesterol is a key component in the diet-heart controversy, let's take a closer look at this substance. Cholesterol is a complex fatty substance found in every living cell. It provides the building blocks from which the body makes its own supply of sex and adrenal hormones. Cholesterol can also be converted to vitamin D in our body and used for the calcification of bones and teeth. Our body is capable of making its own supply of cholesterol. In fact, most of the cholesterol found in our body is synthesized in the liver and intestines and only part of it comes from the food we eat. Overproduction of cholesterol may be the most important factor contributing to arteriosclerosis, a form of hardening of the arteries. Probably 90 percent of all cases of strokes and heart attacks are due to arteriosclerosis.
Some research findings
In the Ireland-Boston Heart Study the researchers followed 600 Irishmen between the ages of 30 and 60 who had lived in Boston for 10 or more years and their brothers who had never left the old country. The Irish brothers ate about twice as many eggs as their American brothers averaging over 14 per week. Yet, the Irish brothers had lower levels of cholesterol in their bloodstream, and their hearts were rated from 2 to 6 times healthier. More physical exercise was given as a possible reason for this difference. Dr. Robert Itchiness, a cardiologist in New York City specializing in metabolic disorders, has treated over 8,000 patients. He lowered the serum cholesterol markedly in 63 percent of his patients with a diet high in meat, milk, and eggs. Dr. Itchiness believes that 95 percent of all heart trouble is associated with high serum triglycerides and attributes this to the staggering increase in sugar consumption up from 7 pounds per person in 1840 to over 100 pounds today. Probably the most comprehensive research project in the diet-heart field was the Framingham Heart Program which began in 1948 in a community 30 miles west of Boston. Five thousand people were involved over a period of 20 years. Their diets were not changed, but what each person ate was recorded. Four risk factors associated with coronary heart disease were identified:
• High blood pressure, • Excess cholesterol in the blood, • Cigarette smoking, and • Obesity