Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pet Birds

Love Birds:
Budgerigars are called Love birds and often finds a good company of aged people. They come out in many beautiful  and attractive plumage colors. Usual colors are white, Yellow, Blue and combinations of these colors. They are fed with fox millet (Thinai in Tamil). Fresh millet are relished by these birds.
Metal cages are more suitable for Budgies. It is easier to clean and safer for pet. It should be preferably rectangular in shape so that it will be have more flying space. The bottom dropping tray should be so designed to have a pull out for daily cleaning. There should not be more space for the pets to escape when the trays are pulled out for cleaning.
The metal bars on the sides can be 12 mm apart. The space between the bars should not be too wide. A budgie should not be able to wiggle its head through it. It should be no wider than 12 mm and it should not be too flexible. The bars need to be strong enough to withstand a human hand trying to squeeze through it. The door should be large enough to put your hand in to handle, remove and replace the birds or to place the feed in feeder and water in pails. The door has to be closed either using a clip or a padlock to secure your birds in cages.
Most standard perches  are made out of wood  as they are slightly more rough, will help the bird in keeping its nails shorter and provide a better grip. A perch should also be stable and strong. If it doesn't follow a perfectly straight line, or has smaller or thicker parts, this is better too, as it will help the budgie train the muscles in its toes.
Fixing a Mirror inside the cage will keep your budgie engaged. Some budgies actually grow strongly addicted to their mirror to a point where it's really unhealthy and very sad to watch. Of course, you can give your budgie a mirror, but just keep an eye on how it reacts to it, and if it seems to only sit in front of the mirror always take the mirror out.
Feed for Budgies
Budgies are omnivores. This means they can digest both vegetables and insects. In their natural habitat they get a varied diet of grass seeds, leafs, insects and so on.It's up to  the owner, to offer the little bird a healthy and balanced meal. Commonly the preferred feed is Fox millet and tender green grass, Coriander leaves. Each bird may require fox millet of about 10 g in the morning and 10 g in the evening. Feeding them twice a day with fox millet and once a day with greens such as coriander leaves or green grass is often sufficient for each bird.
Budgies eat insects and so qualify as omnivores, but do not offer them raw or cooked meat or fish. They cannot digest this. Limit the access to the food to set hours in the morning and evening. In the beginning, this will take some adjusting for your budgie, but soon they'll learn to adapt and eat as much of the food as possible.

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